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4 Common Blog Myths Debunked

Bogged down about blogs? Some of the best questions that marketing agencies get are about blogs, for great reason too. There are a few strong blog myths out there that we’d like to debunk including the purpose of blogs, length requirements, posting frequency, and affiliate links.

Before we jump in, it’s important to understand that regularly scheduled, carefully strategized blogs are a key component of online growth for both customers and Google’s crawlers. Though blogs have changed over the years and “appeasing the bots” has become more paramount, good marketing agencies still know how powerful blogs can be. The very best agencies skillfully research, plan, and write unique blogs that generate authentic web traffic, increase leads, and help foster strong customer relationships.

Blog Marketing Myths GJJ bog cover Good JuJu

MYTH #1: Authors write blogs for fun (mainly their own)

FACT: Though a skilled writer can create blogs that are enjoyable to read, blogs aren’t primarily for entertainment value. When was the last time you read someone’s blog just for fun–without needing a question answered or searching for a service? Probably a while ago, if ever. When people read for pleasure, we typically reach for a novel instead of a blog titled “5 Ways to Identify a Tire Leak,” or something similar.

Though not typically known for fun reading, regular, relevant blogs on your website are still excellent for:

  • SEO Value– Yes, SEO takes time, but blogs definitely help! Blogs provide relevant answers to your customer’s questions and attract and satisfy search engine “bots” through the use of various SEO tactics such as purposeful keywords, visuals, catchy/helpful titles, user-friendly URL structures, links related to the blog post, and evergreen content. 
  • Generating Web Traffic- When done thoughtfully, blogs increase web traffic. Through the use of organic long-tail keyword placement in the titles, body, and headlines, search engines will promote the link’s searchability. The days of overusing keywords are done though. For example, “Myths about blogs” has a much more narrow scope than simply “blogs.” Being specific and strategic with your long-tail keywords helps your target audience find you.
  • Reviewing Metrics- After your marketing team publishes a blog, especially one geared towards sales or targeting new leads, they can review the key metrics to better understand how viewers interact with the content. This data develops your next strategy!
  • Generating Content for Social- When you need a quick social post, go back to your previous blogs and find a strong one-liner to use or adapt. Evergreen blogs provide excellent, quick content and the best blogs can be broken down into smaller chunks, the content reused often, or turned into an ongoing series, or more. 

MYTH #2: Each blog needs to be over 500 words

FACT: Short blogs do well too! Again, think about a blog from the customer’s perspective. They’re not likely to read every single word, especially on mobile. Readers look for the answer they need, the services they want, or specifics about an item they’re interested in. 

Blogs can be long, sure, but they can also be lists, tips, factoids, or fun and don’t need to follow a formula to get the most out of it. Frankly, as long as you offer value with real, relevant content plus both human and SEO-friendly headings, title, internal links, and sufficient keywords, your blog is definitely serving its purpose. 

MYTH #3: You have to post a blog every day to gain web traffic

FACT: Your brand’s cadence may change depending on your budget, bandwidth, or the business itself, but in general, posting blogs at least twice a month is enough to build web traffic and SEO value over time. 

In fact, companies that blog a couple of times per week generate 5x more web traffic than those who don’t (Source, Hubspot.) Posting a few times a week is worth it after you’ve gotten into the swing of generating helpful topics and resources for both search engines and your target audience.

MYTH #4: There’s no sense in hiring marketers when you haven’t monetized the blog

FACT: A skilled marketing team knows the true importance of well-crafted blogs. Though your blog might not be the kind to have affiliate links (when readers can purchase a featured item that you linked in your blog to then earn a commission), blogs can and do often generate valuable leads. 

Taking your target demographic into account, blogs speak directly to their pain points, may offer a solution that will help, and provide a resource to the right people that may help the user along the way. 

Working with a savvy marketing team and creative, conversion-focused writers is essential to see the desired growth that you want from regularly posting blogs. 

Good JuJu Agency can help you benefit from blogs and digs deep into your brand needs and business goals to create, curate, and carry out your unique blog strategy.

Grow your business and gain a following with purposeful blogs– Email to get started today!

Good JuJu Agency. Marketing worth smiling about. 😃

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