Don't lose your child-like joy. Studies find that children smile as many as 400 times per day!

GJJ Zombie, Ghost, Vampire, Werewolf

Which classic Halloween monsters are we?

Have you ever wondered which classic Halloween creature matches your personality? To celebrate the spooky season, I had the Good JuJu team take a fun BuzzFeed quiz to find out if they’re more of a ghost, vampire, werewolf, or zombie. The results? Surprisingly fitting—and a bit eerie! Read on to see which supernatural beings roam the halls of our office.

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Good Juju - Dog Days Of Summer Playlist

Dog Days of Summer Playlist

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Allie's Current Rotation - Good JuJu Playlist

Allie’s Current Rotation Playlist

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Good JuJu Mother's Day Mixtape

Moms Rock Playlist

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Good JuJu 90s Nostalgia Playlist Cover

90s Nostalgia Mix

We hope you enjoy this throwback playlist and feel the warm and fuzzy waves of nostalgia wash over you while rocking out to these tunes.

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Who will be the champion? Good JuJu

Who will be the champion?

Mikey’s going all in with Marquette, will the Golden Eagles claim the championship for the first time since 1977? Adam believes the Tennessee Volunteers have the…

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Cupid's Boombox Jamz Good JuJu

Cupid’s Boombox Jamz

Tug on your heartstrings across several generations of music. Listen to our “Cupid’s Boombox Jamz” on Spotify! Cheers love birds.

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