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Top 5 Marketing Resolutions for the New Year

Marketing isn’t going anywhere in 2022, in fact, it’s only growing and getting more important than ever. Follow these top 5 resolutions to make your marketing pop in the new year and beyond.

Marketing Resolutions for the New Year Good JuJu

It’s that time of year again–the time for reflection about growth and goals. 

As you look back on the past year, think beyond your personal goals – as reflection applies to your business and brand as well.

A New Year Means New Marketing Resolutions

Before making New Year’s resolutions for your company, ask yourself the following questions:  

  • Did you acquire new clients while retaining existing ones? 
  • Did you launch bold ideas, clever campaigns, or exciting offers? 
  • Have you created additional awareness for your business and ensured your brand stands out? 
  • Are you staying engaged with your customers and clients?
  • Are you using data to drive your marketing decisions? 
  • Is your marketing team in maintenance mode or helping you move forward? 

Perhaps the most important question of all: 

Where would you like to see your business go in 2022?

Successful. Growing. Sustainable. Aligned. Scaling-up. Standing-out.  

Whatever your marketing goals are, Good JuJu is here to help. While every business is a bit different, by following these top 5 marketing tips, your marketing will pop in the new year.

1. Explore Experiential Marketing

Many adventurous souls will add travel to their personal New Year’s resolution list, especially after the past two years. While exploring new locations is crucial for personal growth, businesses that explore experiential marketing tactics will grow too.

As social interactions are gaining traction again, and people are stepping out into the world to build or reconnect with their communities, there is no better time to include experiential marketing in your sales tactic than now.

Hosting interactive events, safe workshops, educational “masterclasses”, information sessions, question and answer calls, and engaging events with customers, clients, vendors, and staff creates a lasting bond between you and your stakeholders.

When every experiential detail is just right, from the signage and advertising to the music and ambiance, your clients will not only remember you but will also be excited to engage with your company again in the future.

2. Loose the Extra “Fluff”

Weight loss is a popular resolution for many, but like your own health goals, focusing on only losing weight instead of overall wellness isn’t sustainable or scalable. The same applies to marketing, so while the overall health of your business is paramount, one important thing to lose is the extra fluff in your marketing tactics.

The days of thousands of words per blog and winded posts are over. With long to-do lists and shortening attention spans, the public just doesn’t have the time or energy for lengthy articles, posts, emails, or newsletters. 

Lose the extra “weight” when it comes to your copy and campaigns and don’t hide the benefit for the consumer between wordy paragraphs. Instead speak in simple terms, and make your point without the complex jargon or confusing messages. 

3. Develop an Authentic Relationship with Your Audience

Love is important in our personal lives and is no different when it comes to our professional livelihoods, so show some to your stakeholders.

Studies clearly show that companies who develop real relationships with their customers and clients have a much higher rate of repeat business and new growth.

Ask questions of your audience, listen to their feedback, engage with them often, and speak directly to their needs. Taking the time to deeply care for and listen to your clients and customers is the best type of research and the most useful feedback because it comes from a place of authenticity and is straight from the source.

When you connect with your customers simply for the sake of caring for them and ensuring they have a great experience, they will feel the difference. And they will tell others about you. Most importantly, they will return when they need you again or when you offer something new.

4. Learn to Speak Social Media

If the new year brings an interest in expanding your vocabulary or picking up a new language like Spanish, add social media to your list of business languages too.

Are we suggesting you hop on the latest TikTok dance trend? Not necessarily. (Although some of those dances do look fun!) But understanding the technology, embracing the tools, and leveraging some of the trends that social media platforms provide is crucial for modern businesses to effectively engage with their consumers.

Interact and engage with your audience and boost viewership by acknowledging their needs, asking questions, offering polls, hosting giveaways and ensuring your brand promise and personality is evident with each post. Staying consistent and creative, but not bombarding your followers’ feeds, is crucial to keeping your company on their minds.

5. Break Up with Aggressive Sales Tactics

Sometimes we need to leave someone in order to find ourselves. It’s no different when it comes to business. When it comes to your company, break up with aggressive sales tactics to generate interested prospects, qualified leads, and repeat clients and replace those overbearing strategies with open conversations.

We know it seems counterintuitive to focus on relationship-building rather than closing a quick sale, but when it comes to both short-term gains and long-term strategy, creating strong relationships matters most. So foster the friendship and forget the “used-car salesman” tactics. Especially in today’s business world. 

When clients and customers feel like they’re only a dollar or data point, they will likely take their business elsewhere. Sales is about solving problems and putting customers’ needs first – and doing it in a polite, professional way – not pushy sales tactics and being a pain-in-the-ass.     

So? Add value, be transparent, offer new insight, solve a problem, surprise and delight, personalize the customer journey, and connect with clients for “no reason” instead of only calling strictly to sell.

Remember, in good times people prefer to do business with people they like. In bad times, people only do business with people they like. We all want customer loyalty, but being loyal to your customers will pay untold dividends, especially in today’s ever-changing environment.

Create Memorable Marketing This Year

As the calendar continues to flip, make sure you take your business resolutions into consideration if you want to see growth this year. Creating an authentic, dynamic, and memorable marketing strategy is key to leveling up your business and making the most out of the new year!

Good JuJu Agency. Marketing worth smiling about. 😃

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Call us: (520) 333-5909

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Come visit us: 8444 N. Oracle Rd. Suite 150, Tucson AZ 85704

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